公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会

Design Award Cooperations

Alliances to establish and manage award programs overseas, applying Good Design Award expertise, enhance Japanese design presence abroad while supporting local industrial development and brand-building through design.


To enhance Japanese design presence abroad and strengthen international ties through design, JDP helps establish foreign award programs and other facets of national design policy, applying proven methods of evaluation and promotion from the Good Design Award program. In partnerships with the Thai Design Excellence Award, India Design Mark, and Singapore Good Design Mark Awards, we have continued to lend assistance since helping to establish the programs. Juries from Japan have contributed in local programs, seminars have been held, and together, we have exhibited award-winning entries. Other examples of the mutually beneficial ties maintained include incentives for submitting entries to partner award programs and assistance in market expansion.