公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会


1957  "Good Design Products Selection System" (G Mark system) is founded.
1958  "Design Section" is constituted in Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
1960  Japan External Trade Organization constituted "Japan Design House".

MITI recognized the importance of design and constituted the design section to administer. They formed the organization to execute the core projects and policy, and addressed design promotion.

1961  The Council of Design Promotion of MITI proposed the establishment of a design promotion institution.
1969  Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO) was established.
1973  " '73 Design Year" and "World Industrial Design Congress Kyoto" was held.
1975  Development and promotion of regional designs project launched.

JIDPO took over "G Mark system" from The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and "export promotion projects" from Japan Design House. It expanded the business with the opportunity of "' 73 Design Year" design promotion in cooperation with Japan Industrial Designers' Association. Especially enforced the regional industry promotion activity through the design.

1980  Good Design Products Selection System" was entitled as the system endorsed by MITI.
1981  Japan Design Foundation (JDF) was established.
1984  "Good Design Products Selection System" greatly expanded its subjects eligible for entry.

"G Mark system" incorporated "Good Design Grand Award", "Grand Award by Category", "Long Life Design Award" and equipped as commendation system. In 1984, it expanded its subjects eligible for entry to all industrial products. Relative organization to take charge of international promotion is established and international design competition launched.

1989   " '89 Design Year" and "World Industrial Design Congress Nagoya" was held.
1993   The Council of Design Promotion of MITI proposed the design policy according to the change of age.

JIDPO established "Design talent development center" and JDF established "Asia-Pacific Design Network".
JIDPO executed the second "Design Year" advocated by MITI and it grew into nation wide design promotion which more than 400 design activities joined in. After the burst of Japan's economic bubble, the council advocated the policy conversion based upon the post- industrial society. JIDPO and JDF initiated the new projects.

1998  "Good Design Award" was established.

According to the privatization of "Good Design Products Selection System" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), "Good Design Award" was established. It became comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system involving architecture, environmental design and communication design, etc.