公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会


A combination of exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and symposia linking people, commerce, and knowledge through design are held by Hub organizations, which each fulfill distinct roles in promotion, professional skills, and academic research. The Hub serves both as a venue and a tangible network of the people and information inspired by these events.


This central venue for various members of the design community was opened in Tokyo Midtown in 2007. As a hub, it draws people together, and their work and communication extends outward into the world. Hub institutes and associations specializing in promotion, professional design, and academic research take advantage of the synergy their collaboration creates. In addition to communication activities, the exhibitions, seminars, and other events held here connect, extend, and nurture. People, commerce, and knowledge are linked through design, so that good design can have a greater impact on society.

Exhibitions on design are held throughout the year. Themes include social solutions, strengthening ties between designers and businesses, and work by young or foreign designers. Presentations are accessible, and they illustrate current design and future possibilities.

Seminars, talk shows, workshops, and media events keep the public informed about design and bring people together.