Promotion Support
Regional Design Promotion
Design councils and design centers have been established regionally throughout Japan. These design centers conduct promotion activities and design instruction directly to regional private businesses. JDP supports these activities by supplying information and know-how.
Promotion Activity Support
Many different organizations and groups are involved in a wide range of design promotion activities. JDP provides guidance to these varied activities and provides support from the angles of information and know-how in connection with campaigns aimed at tackling contemporary topics in the field of design, and activities that stretch over a variety of specialized design-related areas.
JDP's Endorsement as Supporting Sponsor and Cooperating Organization
JDP provides support and offers its name in connection with design promotion projects that fulfill certain conditions (e.g., the contemporaneity of the topics handled, the scale of the event, the clarity of the organizers). As well as providing support and cooperation in connection with information and know-how, JDP is also involved in PR activities through its email magazine, and website.