公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会


The Power of Japanese Design

Design Unites Society and the Individual

Through GOOD DESIGN AWARD, we at JDP (Japan Institute of Design Promotion) have been observing how the power of design has changed through the years.

In the age of large-scale problems the role of design is expanding. In particular, we are seeing the power of design in creating new structures that bring together diverse minds to unleash their creativity.

The power of design has the potential to help people to rethink their relationship with society and inspire beautiful collaboration.

Our Purpose

Deliver the power of design to a wider range of fields and regions. JDP has reimagined our role and desire for the future into our Purpose.

Established October, 2023

Along with our Purpose, we also published a strategy paper that summarized our business and action principles, outlining what we believe and the role we think JDP should play in the future.

  • Empowering everyone with design [PDF:3MB]

JDP’s vision of future society, through our unique design-informed lens

As humanity continues to confront so many difficult challenges, we consider it our mission to share the power of design with as many people as possible so they may uncover solutions to these problems. We aim to create a society in which more people can utilize the power of design. This is the age to explore new arenas, all around the world. At JDP we are expanding the power of Japanese design.

Our Actions

JDP is expanding our activities. We have chosen 5 keywords to guide us forward.

To bring the power of design to more people

JDP will leverage the “good design” gathered through the GOOD DESIGN AWARD and actualize our jury members and local networks to deliver the power of design to a wide variety of arenas and locales. We will diversify our business, find new categories of design, discover cutting-edge design, and dig deep into this idea of “good design” to promote social change through people development and overseas alliances.

Our Commitment

We will focus on 3 specific projects as a first step to actualize our newly defined Purpose by 2030.

Our Values

To ensure that we are upholding the values important to us as we work to actualize our Purpose, we have established 5 action guidelines.

To change or not to change

As we continue to develop diverse businesses, both individual members and the organization as a whole must update their mindset and perspective. We create 5 action principles based on important keywords provided by our members. We will all work from a place of creativity, while respecting diversity, to create new opportunities for collaboration.